Akita Kenjinkai, an association comprised of people who
come from Akita, has affiliated associations in Japan as well as 13 Akita
Kenjinkai abroad.
Each association runs their own activities. Click here if you
are interested in the Akita Kenjinkai activities abroad.
Among these associations, President Yoko Otsubo of the Northern California Akita Kenjinkai based in San Francisco, USA, reports on activities
of their association. Please check it out!
San Francisco this week has
been experiencing warm weather like the early days of summer.
Two days ago we held our regular
Akita Kenjinkai meeting, and while everyone couldn’t attend, we reunited with
other members for the first time in a while and got to talking about Akita.
A large cherry blossoms festival will be held in San Francisco’s Japan Town on 12, 13, 19, and 20 of next month. Those far away in Akita will probably not be able to come and visit, however, please take a look if you are interested.
Everyone from the Northern California Akita Kenjinkai
The view from the meeting venue. That day the Golden Bridge was
shrouded in fog.
ビルの向こうにはアルカトラズ島です。霞んでいますが、ベイブリッジの向こうがEast Bayです。
On the far side of the building is Alcatraz Island. It is hazy, but on
the other side of the Bay Bridge is East Bay.
posted by Sayorita